11 August, 2017

Commissioning of a person in ministry

This service is used when we commission a new staff member. The symbols of ministry change to appropriate symbols for the role, some are included below.


Name, today we welcome you into our midst.

We thank you for accepting the call to be here to minister to, with and amongst us.

We thank God for your prayerful consideration of us,
and we thank God for sending you our way,
we are privileged to have you amongst us,
and we look forward to your ministry here.

Presentation of the Keys

Name, receive these keys. We entrust you the care of these buildings and the people within them.

Be assured of our love and support. And may you find in us, Christ’s love and understanding.

Presentation of the Bible

Name, receive this Bible, read from it, study it,

May you challenge, encourage and teach us,

Name responds: With God’s help I will.

May God’s grace continue to work in your life.

Presentation of the ball

Name, we have called you as our Youth Pastor

May you work well with the youth of Papakura,

Name responds: With God’s help I will.

May the youth find in you Christ’s love and understanding.

Presentation of the stole

Name, you have come here as part of our clergy team

May you work well with your colleagues

and may we discover more of God through your guidance

Name responds: With God’s help I will.

May we all find in you Christ’s love and understanding.

Laying on of Hands

Holy Spirit of God, meet us in this moment as you met the apostles of old. Be with us, Holy Spirit,
bring faith and hope, we pray.

Come Holy Spirit,
be present in your power.


Through Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, and through the gift of the Holy Spirit, you have given life and order to your Church, that we may carry out the ministry of love. We thank you for calling Name to share your ministry here.

Gracious God, through your Holy Spirit empower your servant Name with the gifts of grace to minister here.

Others may wish to pray.


Name is presented with their License

Name receive this License to the position of Role in Ministry Unit. The joy and responsibilities are now yours.

The Peace

All standing

Blessed be Christ the Prince of Peace

who breaks down the walls that divide.

The peace of God be always with you.

Praise to Christ who unites us in peace.

People share the peace with the person and welcome them.